Monday, October 5, 2020

Greatness Happens When we Honor our Veterans

Students at Bell Elementary gathered together to celebrate Veterans Day 2019
Happy Fall, everyone! The end of the first quarter of the school year is fast approaching and the signs of the season are upon us. Football games, hoodies, cooler weather, and pumpkin spice everything are constant reminders that fall has arrived. This is the Rikli family’s favorite time of the year.

Fall is also the time when we celebrate Veteran’s Day. This year the holiday (previously known as Armistice Day) falls on Wednesday, November 11. Veteran’s Day was first celebrated to mark the end of World War I. Though the date remains the same, the holiday has been expanded to honor U.S. veterans from all wars and the men and women of our armed forces. We owe so very much to our veterans and our current servicemen and women. We must never forget their sacrifices. There are groups actively engaged in the good work of making sure our veterans are never forgotten. The Nebraska Vietnam Veterans Memorial Foundation (NVVMF) is one such group. The mission of the NVVMF is “to develop, erect, and maintain a memorial to honor all Veterans who served during the Vietnam War and to further provide a lasting historic educational account for future generations.” The NVVMF supports and honors over 44,000 Vietnam veterans who call Nebraska home. The really exciting part of this project is that the memorial will be located in the boundaries of the Papillion La Vista Community Schools. It will be located at 11691 S. 108th Street near SumTur Amphitheater in Papillion.  My wife Amy and I agreed to serve as Honorary Committee members of this very worthy cause.  We will be joining several notables including former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and former Nebraska Governor and Senator Bob Kerrey both of whom are Vietnam veterans.  We are pleased to have been asked to support such a worthwhile cause that honors our Veterans. With your support, Nebraska and PLCS will soon be a home for this new memorial.  Honoring veterans is deeply important to my family. One grandfather was killed on a training mission during World War II serving as a B-26 bomber pilot. Another grandfather was a Marine who fought in the South Pacific during World War II. My Grandpa Rikli brought back from the war a Japanese katana sword that hangs in my home, a constant reminder of the hardship and struggle that he and so many other veterans endured. Thanks to everyone for a productive start to the 2020-21. If you would like to know more or support the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, please visit If you see a veteran in the community, please thank them for their service. Greatness Happens Together!

Monday, August 31, 2020

Greatness Happens Together


Welcome back to the 2020-21 school year! And what a year it’s been. Most of us didn’t grasp how much the COVID-19 pandemic would change our lives when our students left for Spring Break last March: the school closures, the lost jobs, the protests, the calls for social justice, the economic distress, and worst of all, the loss of so many lives. I can’t recall a more difficult time during my 24 years in public education. It would certainly be understandable to be pessimistic during such times.

Challenges aside, I remain optimistic. We have seen so many positive stories since PLCS opened its doors on August 11th. Students and staff are doing a fantastic job wearing face coverings. Our custodians are working diligently to clean and sanitize our buildings. Parents are doing an amazing job symptom screening their children every morning and modeling good hygiene practices. District teachers, both in person and remote, are supporting our families and providing the world-class instruction for which PLCS has long been known. Our reopening efforts have been a true team effort.

It is fitting that the PLCS District theme for 2020-21 is Greatness Happens Together. We owe so much to so many. Our staff, our families, our students, and our community have all shown us what greatness looks like every day. There are many obstacles ahead of us to be sure. The District is attempting to balance the demands of a traditional in-person school day with a new, dedicated online school for our remote learners. Kinks in our lunch protocol are still being worked out. And social distancing will continue to be difficult to practice at all times particularly in our larger buildings. I am confident that we will address each of these challenges with your help and patience.

In closing, please be kind to us and each other especially our teachers. They are working so very hard to support you and your students. This is uncharted territory for all of us. Mistakes will be made and plans will change. But we will get through this and emerge on the other side even stronger. Our District’s best days are ahead of it. Greatness Happens Together. 


Friday, June 12, 2020

We believe in an inclusive environment that honors diversity, equity, and access

I would like to discuss what we have all witnessed happening in our country and across our community these past few weeks. I’ve been struggling to find the right words and determine how the Papillion La Vista Community Schools can best address this critical issue in the most meaningful way.

The issue of race relations and the recent protests are deeply emotional topics. On one hand, I feel a moral obligation to use my position to say what’s on my heart and embrace how we can change to help this situation. On the other hand, I am cautious because words can so easily me misconstrued, and I don’t want my voice to cause pain or to make the situation worse.
We’ve decided being direct is the best course of action.

Racism in any form is deeply wrong and runs completely contrary to our mission as a public school.

I want to be crystal clear about where the Papillion La Vista Community Schools stand.

1.     PLCS exists for one reason and one reason alone: to serve ALL students and ALL families and support ALL staff regardless of their race or background.
2.     Our top priority has always been and always will be educating ALL students and keeping our students and staff safe both physically and mentally.

We may not be perfect and there may be days that we will fall short of these ideals, but it won’t be for lack of trying.  We understand that we still have listening and learning to do.

I would like our community to know the District has been working on this very issue since last February when we re-started our Strategic Planning process. As part of that process, the District identified a goal relating to staff diversity and training.  The committee also updated our Mission Statement and wrote belief statements that will guide everything we do.  There was a specific belief statement around this issue:

We believe in an inclusive environment that honors diversity, equity, and access.
Moving forward we will form a District Diversity Action team to look deeper into our school district and identify what areas we are doing well and what areas we need improvement. We will implement steps in support of this Diversity goal and make certain we uphold our Mission and beleifs.

As your Superintendent please know that we understand these conversations are vitally important and we are committed to being a part of the solution. In short, we want all staff, students, and families to feel welcome and safe here. We are all part of the same PLCS family and community. Please be gentle with one another and help us to disrupt hate and prejudice whenever and wherever we see it. That is the PLCS way. #PLCSgreat

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

There is so much reason for hope

(A PVH teacher waves at students from a safe distance during a teacher parade)
Greetings, Papillion La Vista Community Schools! I hope this message finds everyone safe and healthy. You and your children’s safety are the District’s top priority.

As all of us adjust to our new normal, it is a good time to reflect on how much our world has changed in just a few short weeks. We are surrounded by an endless stream of disheartening news by the 24-7 media cycle. We find ourselves social distancing, endlessly washing our hands, disinfecting our homes, and in some cases, adjusting to the challenges of working from home and engaging our children. Talk of COVID-19 dominates nearly every conversation.

But there is so much reason for hope. We have seen countless individuals show us what positive leadership looks like. Teachers and parents organizing parades, so our students know that we love them and miss them. Citizens flooding the District with offers of money, support, and assistance. Volunteers offering to help our Food Services Team distribute meals to our families in need. The number of individuals who have stepped forward to serve our community is simply unbelievable.

Every generation of Americans has faced a life-defining experience of some sort; I know this challenge will bring out the very best in our staff, our families, our students, and our community. We owe so much to so many. Our medical professionals who work tirelessly to combat this disease in our clinics and hospitals. Our truck drivers and service industry who selflessly work to keep essential services running. Our first responders who continue to protect us while risking their own personal safety. And of course, our military who safeguard our liberties at home and abroad.

We know you have many questions. Commencement, prom, and preparations for seniors are questions that frankly, we do not have answers for yet. We will do our best to share updated information without jamming up your email inbox. We have hosted two Facebook Live events in the last three weeks and will continue to use this as a way to connect with all of you. Please send us any additional questions you have and we will do the best we can to get all of them answered. We will continue updating the website and District social media sites with new information.

In closing, please know this. The PLCS Family is here to support you as we adjust to these difficult times. Please be gentle with one another. We will emerge from this better, stronger, and more resilient. Thank you for your continued patience and support. Our school district’s best days are ahead of us.

Yours in Education,

Monday, March 9, 2020

PLCS works to keep schools safe, students healthy

Happy March, Papillion La Vista. We’ve been blessed with a relatively mild winter and spring appears to be just around the corner. Spring is one of the very best times of the year in Nebraska. Our two rescue dogs, Macy and Evie, love to take long walks around Shadow Lake and the Rikli kids are chomping at the bit to spend some quality time outdoors. We’re all looking forward to taking a break from academics with spring break fast approaching.

We would like to talk about self-care and the coronavirus, in particular. The winter months are always difficult with the common cold and flu causing misery in many of our households. The coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has the potential to create even more challenges for our families, so the school district is working closely with our public health officials to minimize any risk to your students and your family.

Here is what we’ve done so far. The District has a pandemic response plan that we are currently reviewing. This plan is a comprehensive document that details how the school district will respond during emergency situations. 

Each disease outbreak is different, of course, so we will work closely with our staff and health experts to make sure our plan adequately meets the need of our schools and your children. The school is also consulting with health officials from across the metro area to assure our plans are in good order and that we have the very best information about the virus. 

Area Superintendents are also collaborating with one another on response plans and communication to parents. A Task Force has been formed and all school districts in the metro-area will have a twice weekly conference call to discuss the latest information and possible responses if the situation grows more concerning. 

Our best advice to parents is to exercise common sense and good hygiene practices. This would include regular hand washing, staying home when you are sick, covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, and avoiding close contact with people who are sick. If you would like more specific information, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has an excellent website and a list of resources: 

Our schools continue to be safe places to send your children, and we trust our parents to make good decisions for their children. You always have the right to keep your child home if you have concerns about their well-being or are worried that they may be ill. If in doubt, sit them out! 

Thank you for your support and #BeKind.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Reflecting on 2019 and looking forward to 2020

Happy New Year, Papillion La Vista Community Schools!

I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Winter Break.

The Rikli Family had a restful holiday. We traveled to Grand Island to spend some time with our in-laws and enjoyed some family time with the kids, our two rescue dogs, and of course, Linus. It was a wonderful opportunity to relax, recharge, and reflect on 2019.

The District experienced tremendous success in 2019. Our academic achievement continues to be outstanding with our students consistently scoring above state averages on state and national exams. The District boasts a 95% graduation rate and our most recent Monarch and Titan graduates received almost $30m in scholarships.

Finally, the District received an NSPRA Gold Medal Award for excellence in communication for our bond campaign. The upcoming year is likewise full of promise and potential.

Work continues on voter-approved bond projects with our new elementary school opening next fall and expansions at G. Stanley Hall, Anderson Grove, and PLSHS. We will begin renovation work at PLHS this spring.

School safety and mental health initiatives will continue to play a prominent role as the District prioritizes student and staff well-being. We will re-start our Strategic Planning process this winter to build a future roadmap for the District.

Lastly, we will support our teachers and staff through our new, innovative PLCS Family Fund which provides financial support to employee members experiencing personal hardship. Thank you to our staff, families, students, and community members for continuing to make Papillion La Vista Community Schools such a special place to live and work.

Here’s wishing the entire PLCS family a happy and prosperous 2020.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

PLCS Family Fund helps staff experiencing hardship

Happy December, everyone! We are approaching the end of first semester and the end of 2019. The Rikli Christmas tree went up early, gifts are bought and wrapped, the stockings are hung by the fireplace, and the entire home is overrun with holiday decorations. My son Sam takes great delight waking up every morning to see what mischief Holly and Jolly the Christmas elves have done the previous evening.

The holiday season can also be a challenging time for many of us. School work, final exams, travel, and shopping for that perfect gift can create stressors for all of us. It is easy to lose sight of the purpose of the season. There are so many people across our community and country that are struggling. The holidays are meant to be a fun and relaxing time, but for so many people, the season can also be a reminder of lost friends and families, personal challenges, and financial need.

You may be aware that my wife Amy and I created a program called the PLCS Family Fund. The PLCS Family Fund was created specifically to help PLCS employees who may be experiencing hardship in their lives. Our School District has over 2,000 employees and every day, unforeseen tragedies impact our school family. It may be a serious medical issue, a costly auto repair, or the loss of a family member. Any PLCS employee may confidentially nominate a fellow employee for a gift from the fund. The PLCS Family Fund provides direct financial assistance to support our staff members when they need it most. Special thanks to the Papillion La Vista Schools Foundation and Papillion Sanitation who are providing financial support to the PLCS Family Fund. 

Please click here to visit the District website if you would like more information about supporting our staff.

I hope everyone can spend a bit of time with family and friends reflecting on 2019. We work in a great school district in a wonderful community and live in the greatest country in the world. All of us have so much to be thankful for, and it is my hope that all of us can find a bit of peace and joy in the season. Thanks to everyone for a great first semester and have a fun and relaxing Winter Break. See you in 2020.