Thursday, January 10, 2019

Be Known for Vision

Happy 2019, PLCS staff and families! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and restful Winter Break. The Rikli’s hosted my side of the family the weekend before Christmas. Hosting is a lot of work, but it’s always fun to catch up with family. Presents were opened on Christmas morning, and then we traveled to Grand Island to spend some time with Amy’s parents. It was a fun break, but I’m always excited to get back to work.

I try to spend a bit of time around the holidays reflecting on the past year and looking forward to what the new year will bring. I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions, but I have set several personal and professional goals for myself for 2019. In my personal life, I would like to spend more time with my wife and family. I would also like to spend more time reading for pleasure. Work demands for all of us can be challenging at times, so I resolve to do a better job balancing my personal and professional obligations.

Likewise, the Papillion La Vista Community Schools will also have new goals for 2019. The District started a new Strategic Plan shortly after I was hired in 2013. A community advisory group was formed, and five long-range planning goals were developed. Through our Strategic Plan, we have made great progress in several key areas including adding World Language to our middle schools, expanding our Early Childhood Program, and increasing supports for mental health needs. But much work remains. 
School districts typically develop new Strategic Plans every 4-5 years, so it is time for us to restart the process. In the past, we have intentionally focused on a small number of goals. We can do anything we want, but we can’t do everything we want! The plan will serve as the District’s road map, and any future goals will be discussed with our staff, community and Board of Education so that everyone’s voice is heard. Please watch our newsletters and website for information about how you can stay informed.

Here’s wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and productive 2019. Let’s make it the Kindest year ever! #BeKind


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